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Combined Heating and Power for Hospitals
Combined Heat and Power (Cogeneration) systems use an engine-generator to produce electricity and heat, on-site. This heat is used for producing steam/hot water, air-conditioning/refrigeration, heating buildings, or for industrial process heat. Cogeneration is particularly beneficial in situations where there is a high ratio of thermal energy to electric energy, such as in Hospitals.

Hospitals are excellent candidates for CHP systems because they have high electrical and thermal energy needs that generally follow each other and have significant energy demands 24/7/365. CHP also can generate significant cost savings for hospitals.

Many hospitals across the country are discovering the power of CHP for improving their bottom line and operational capabilities. A CHP system can operate in the range of 4 cents a kilowatt-hour. In regions of the country such as New York, where hospitals pay 16 cents per kWh, CHP trims operating costs. Beyond dollars and cents, CHP enhances the quality of power. More than 200 hospitals and health care facilities nationwide are using CHP to lower energy costs by up to 50% and decrease power outages and interruptions by up to 95%.

On a typical day during the peak power period, there may be interruptions in voltages and even fluctuations in frequencies, which wreak havoc on clinical equipment. But CHP can assure smooth, continuous operation of clinical devices. One hospital had between 60 and 70 disruptions of power a year that caused downtime of the laboratory equipment and testing facilities. see http://www.chpcentermw.org/06-01_application.html

Benefits of Applying CHP to Hospitals

  • Improved profitability
  • Reduced impact of volatile energy costs
  • Lower operations and maintenance costs
  • Improved environmental performance
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Healthier healing and work environment
  • Healthier communities
The US Government CHP Initiative for Hospitals  is working to improve the way energy is produced and used in hospitals. Already, more than 200 hospitals and health care facilities nationwide have discovered how CHP can help them reach peak performance and lower their energy costs by up to 50%.

The CHP Initiative for Hospitals seeks to raise awareness of the energy, economic, and environmental benefits of CHP. To accomplish this, it is working to coordinate with the American Hospital Association (AHA) to form a Hospital CHP Advisory Panel, conduct outreach and educational sessions during major American Society of Healthcare Engineering conferences, survey hospital industry leaders on their CHP needs, and encourage hospitals to implement CHP projects.
Map of Hospital Locations with existing DG/CHP Systems.
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