Solar Energy Radiation Data
Solar Energy Systems Design

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
CHP Savings Estimation
CHP Analysis Tool
  Combined Heat and Power
  Heat Exchanger Solutions
  Chiller Solutions
  Solar Heat & Power

  CHP for Hospitals
  Learn how hospitals have reduced energy cost from 16˘/kWh to as little as 4˘/kWh.


 CHP Benefits
  • Lower energy costs

  • Increased electricity reliability

  • Increased energy efficiency

  • Reduced  CO2 and NOx emissions

  • “Green image”

Free Energy Efficiency Analysis
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I suffer much loss when electricity goes down.
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Energy Efficiency Solutions
Energy Efficiency can save you big money. It is more than just using compact fluorescent lighting and better insulation. Energy Efficiency has to do with using novel energy strategies, such as, Combined Heat and Power, for providing your electricity, heating, and cooling. It also has to do with using super efficient boilers and chillers, and applying smart energy technologies, such as, variable speed drives, advanced energy recovery, and energy management software.  Learn More.
Generate Your Own Electricity On-Site. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a cost effective, efficient, clean, and reliable way to generate some, or all, of your electricity needs on-site. Heat rejected during electricity production is recovered and used for steam, hot water, or to power a heat-driven air-conditioner. Learn more.
Protecting the environment through energy efficiency: Combined Heat and Power systems significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global climate change.
Using natural gas as fuel produces lower particulate emissions and lower levels of nitrous oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and non-methane organic gasses.